We want to hear your voice!
Un événement IPSO, par les aefs et pour les aefs, c’est une occasion pour s’exprimer !
Vous n’osez pas écrire ? Pourtant, vous avez sûrement de quoi partager, à partir de votre expérience clinique. Les événements organisés par l’IPSO sont de bons tremplins pour se lancer.
Et nous avons prévu beaucoup d’espace pour les discussions, afin que les échanges soient intéressants et que le groupe puisse tisser un fil de pensées.
Si vous avez une idée et que vous aimeriez en discuter avec l’un d’entre nous, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Send your proposals by 1rst may 2024
Paper Submission guidelines
We welcome papers on any psychoanalytic topic of interest linked to theme of the IPSO Study Day. The paper must be an original work that has not been previously published.
Only IPSO members can submit papers for this call. If you are not a member yet, you can become one by getting in contact with the Vice-President of your region.
How to submit a paper
Papers should be submitted by email to [email protected] sending two different files (PDF or docx.); one with the title and the authors name and one with title, abstract and full paper without the authors name, but with the name of the affiliated IPA-Component Society, in order to be able to create a colorful international mix in the conference program.
Language of the paper
Papers should be submitted in English. If you need help with the translation, we will be glad to facilitate the contact with a colleague who could proofread your text.
Paper requirements
Submissions should include a paper or proposal title (no more than 10 words, 100 characters), an abstract (no more than 250 words), and the full paper (no more than 2500 words. This equates to no more than 20 minutes when read aloud i.e., 10 pages double spaced).
If the submission doesn’t follow these rules, the paper will not be reviewed.
Further hints for formatting your paper
Authors are asked to study the following instructions before preparation of abstracts.
- Paper Size: A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm), and NOT US letter.
- Margins: Type within the dimensions of 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins top/bottom and left/right.
- Line Spacing: Double line spacing. No indentation.
- Justification: Full justification.
- Title: The abstract title should be in Title Case (upper and lower case), centered in Times New Roman, bold font size 18 point. There should be 6pt spacing between the title and the authors.
- Body Text Formatting: Submissions should include a title, a short description (max. 250 words) and the full paper (max. 2500 words. Please include page numbers. Body text should be in Times New Roman point 11 normal, with a 6pt separation between paragraphs.
- Making a Reference: Authors are expected to give correct and extensive references when referring to or quoting relevant publications. Please orient on the APA Style guidelines for the references.
Reviewing process
The reviewing process follows the same as a scientific journal review. The reviewing process is double blind, which means that the reviewer doesn’t have access to the author’s name. Please see below the reviewing criteria we will use. Please note that the presence of clinical material is an added value for the paper’s final score.
In case you decide to include clinical examples in your paper, please make sure you respect the IPA confidentiality statement, which you may find here.
The authors will receive an email informing them about whether or not their paper has been accepted by the end of September 2023.
Evaluation criteria
Papers will be reviewed based on their originality, contribution to the field, clarity of thought, and relevance to the congress’s theme.
When conceptualizing your paper, keep in mind the following criteria:
- Ensure that it is enriching and interesting for the intended audience.
- Consider including relevant clinical material to add value to the paper.
- Ensure that there is coherence between any clinical examples and theoretical considerations presented.
- Ensure that the theoretical framework is clear and well-grounded in relevant references.
Clinical Material Confidentiality
Any clinical material must be anonymized, and presenters of clinical material must have either obtained the informed consent of the patient (or their guardian) or have taken other carefully considered measures to safeguard confidentiality. If, exceptionally, your application contains sensitive confidential material that prevents its presentation, IPSO will exercise its right not to present your paper.
- If the paper includes clinical material it is the responsibility of the author to observe basic ethical rules in disguising material to avoid problems of confidentiality. In any case, the author must comply with the applicable data protection rules as well as other applicable patient-doctor confidentiality obligations.
- Furthermore, the author must ensure that the manuscripts/ presentations/papers do not include any patient identifying or identifiable information or otherwise confidential information.